How my journey began

I started my nursing career in Public Health, as the Nurse Manager at a prenatal clinic, treating pregnant women every day. When I got pregnant with my own daughter, I did everything my entire world was steeped in—every appointment, every class, read my fair share of books, got all the gear…

Yet, I was not prepared for the challenges of the 4th trimester (the first 3 months of baby’s life) and though I had amazing friends and family, I did not have the expert support I truly needed. I was lucky to have a mom who called Lactation support for me. That angel on earth truly changed the trajectory for me. I wish I had gotten support like that sooner and for longer, so I could have avoided so many of the parenting pitfalls I experienced.

But those pitfalls were not just me falling through the cracks like so many women do—they were my catalyst to help more women. Because I became inspired.

I steered my career from prenatal health to postpartum health. I got a job with a program doing groundbreaking work supporting moms and babies with everything modern science knows about maternal-infant success. I trained in infant care, child development, empathetic coaching, family dynamic, safe sleep, etc. I got certified as a lactation educator-counselor. And I went into hundreds of real family homes and worked with moms, babies, dads, and family members on the real struggles of having a baby.

And what I saw time and time again, was that real-time expert support during this huge transition was a hundred times more helpful than any amount of preparation.

In those early weeks and months, moms are on a steeper learning curve than they’ve ever been on in their lives. Their success or failure is higher stakes than ever before because it involves the survival of a little person they love more than they could ever imagine. And they are doing this all while recovering from major surgery or stitches, running on little sleep, and jacked up on hormones.

They need support.

And it has become my mission to make sure moms everywhere get good information and loving, empathetic care as they grow into the superwomen they were born to be!

What People Are Saying


I thought breastfeeding was natural, so it would be easy. I was wrong! I didn’t know you have to learn this stuff—but thank you for showing me what I needed to know. Now, I think I can make it to my year goal!

— Ashely F.

She walks into my house, and it’s a breathe of fresh air. I just felt like I could do it after talking to her.

— Katrina B.


Keighly was just what I needed in just the right timing. I don’t know what I would have done without her.


I just want to say thank you. Everyone was telling me so many different stuff and advice, and you really straightened it out and made it clear and easy.


My Credentials

Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing
Registered Nurse
Public Health Nurse
Certified Lactation Educator Counselor
8 years in Women’s Public Health

We can all be our best with the right information and support!


Chat With Nurse Keighly

Book a Free Consultation Today!

I’d love to help you figure out where your gaps in care may be. If I can fill those gaps, great! If a different solution is better for you, I will recommend another resource. But either way, after 30 minutes with me, you’ll have a better idea of how prepared you are for baby’s arrival!