Nursing With Grace

Helping Mothers Breastfeed with Ease and Confidence

They say it takes a village. Does your village provide you with information that you can trust?

With the right information and support, you can meet your breastfeeding goals!

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If we invest in mothers, children thrive.

Our healthcare system has it backwards. Baby gets 12 prenatal visits and 8 infant visits. Mom gets 1 postpartum visit (which is about 10 minutes long).

But the research says that we need to flip it. How can we predict how a baby will handle their unique challenges? Look at mom. Does she have support? And is she being given quality information? If she does, babies will have their best shot.

The mother is the foundation baby needs. We need to build from the ground up.

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Who’s in your corner?

I would love to talk to you about YOUR support system. Sometimes, all it takes is a little TLC at a crucial moment.

I know firsthand through my own motherhood experience, and through caring for hundreds of mother/baby couplets that the first 3 months after birth are crucial. There is such a steep learning curve, and there is no way to prepare for it all. Luckily, you don’t have to be prepared for every possible scenario—you just need someone in your corner who is.

My name is Keighly Grace Kilsgaard. I am a Registered Nurse, a Lactation Specialist and mother. I’ve spent my career as a Public Health Nurse serving women and babies—that means I actually take the time to listen to YOU and treat you as a unique individual.

I’ve been there with so many women. No two stories are the same, but they all have one thing in common: they need support in those early baby days! And having an expert walk alongside them has made all the difference. Especially one who truly cares about you.

Set yourself up for success and line up the perfect care in advance.

“I was about to give up breastfeeding, and I was devastated because I really wanted to provide the best for my little girl. Keighly talked to me over the phone and explained exactly what I needed! Now we’re breastfeeding like pros!”

—Evelyn G.

Schedule a free prenatal assessment, and see if you could benefit from expert care.

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. In fact, if there is a better resource for you, I will provide it! I just want you to get the right care for you.